A place of refuge in your grief.

Grieving is stressful. Massage addresses the physical symptoms arising from the stress of grieving, such as backache, neck pain, tight jaw, and headaches.

The death of a loved one.

Marital breakup.

The loss of a job.

These are some of the most stressful life events. Following a divorce, job loss, the death of a loved one, or any other loss, it is normal and natural to grieve. And grieving is stressful. It can be mentally and emotionally draining. It can manifest as physical symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, back or neck pain, jaw clenching, and headaches.

Our North American culture is uncomfortable with grieving people. People who are grieving can feel pressured to “wear a social mask” or “put on a brave face” – to pretend they are doing better than they feel inside, in order to avoid making other people feel uncomfortable. This can cause some grievers to avoid social situations, or to feel anxious about seeking support for their grief. My treatment, beginning with the client intake process, is designed to be sensitive to the unique requirements of grieving people. Clients can remove their social mask and just sink into the massage table as the treatment helps shift their body out of the sympathetic nervous system’s “fight, flight or freeze” state, and engages the parasympathetic nervous system to induce relaxation.

Grief isn’t something we “get over”. We learn to live with it, and it’s not easy. Some days — or hours, or minutes — you might feel alright, and at other times you might feel unable to hold it together. There’s no roadmap, and there’s no timeline.

As a grief-informed RMT, I have taken training in grief theory, the grieving process, and the effects of grief stress on the brain, the emotions, and the physical body. No matter what emotions are at the surface when you arrive for your appointment, you are welcome. There is no need to collect yourself before entering the treatment space; there is plenty of room for you and your emotions.

My treatment space is a safe place to land and receive grief support through therapeutic massage.

Viveca Massage is a place of refuge in your grief.

Grief massage provides support to the griever’s physical body in the form of assisted relaxation (therapeutic massage).

Grief massage is not grief counselling or grief therapy.

Want to know more? Schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.